Give Feedback
Summoning Cooldown Vote
Option A. Increase Gen0 cooldown maximum to 14 days, reset Gen0 summons to 19 if currently exceeded, change base cooldown formula of Gen1+ to (24 + 8 * generation) * (summonCount + 1) hours, and have this cooldown applied upon initial generation of Hero (a freshly summoned gen5 Hero wouldn’t be abl...
Rafflemaster Revamp Vote
Please find the proposed changes here;
Summoning Cooldown Change: GEN0 Same / Increase All Other GEN
Introduction: It is obvious that something needs to be done about hero inflation and hero cooldowns but I don’t think that the core problem is with GEN0 summoning times or GEN0 cost. Also, from the beginning GEN0 owners invested early in the game and continue to support the game by owning these asse...
Change Summoning Cooldown to Slow Hero Inflation V2
• As stated by certain team members previously there is a concern about the growth of the hero population, at present nearly 800k •Many community members share the same view, that this is unsustainable, causing high gas fees, large sell pressure on in-game items, and disincentives new players from j...
Remove Mini Raffles / Increase TQ crystal drop rate by 50%
Partially Governable
Proposal: Completely remove Mini Raffles. Retain Small / Med / Large raffles Increase TQ crystal drop rate by 50% to not moon price of crystals Why? In short, we are not getting enough value for our HEROS and our QUESTS. This change will also diminish the negative affect on the game coming from BOTS...
Art Direction Feedback (RPG, anime and pixel art fans target)
I love DFK and I wanna give some suggestions inherent to graphic art and artistic direction. I really care of this emotional perception because it is inherent to my approach as a player, investor and to my actual fiat job. RPG/PIXEL ART & CARTOONS. POINT 1 Anime in the Crystalvale PJ Spot / port...
New Kingdom to Binance Chain for capital Injection from CZ
I know that it has been mentioned/hinted that Polygon would possibly be the next kingdom roll out but I think that at this time, there should be a strong consideration for Binance Smart Chain as it might be a better strategic play, especially with everything that’s been going on with Harmony and the...
Vote Proposals
Hero traits on card
A chance that we can get the descriptions of what traits do to come up when we hover over it on the card? Would be much easier than hunting down external sources.
Gold utility feature
I had a thought. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? A relatively simple way to increase the use of gold could be to create an “auctioneer”, that auctions off relatively scarce items. The bid must be in DFKGold and the gold paid by the highest bidder is burned. Minting and auctioning off a f...
Build DFK in farcaster
I think we should add the dfk features in farcaster. People can play and social at the same time. And frames make share easier.
Add a notes tab to Heros
It would be nice to have a small notes tab on each hero, like how genes,r.genes ect have been added. It would be usefule for maintaining nots on what you want to use heros for.
Influencers’ Personal Vizzie NPC
Influencer Vizzies: New NPC: Mysterious Mr. K ‘Who am I? …Not that it’s any of your concern, but you may refer to me as an ‘influencer’ who just so happened to arrive here from another world. Actually, I’m here on behalf of all otherworldly influencers who have made an impact on this realm from thei...
Sort inventory function
Would really appreciate being able to sort inventory by either A-Z, quantity, item type (eggs, pots, resources etc). by default inventory is sorted A-Z and can often time look messy
Add a librarian character based on Blu
Our beloved Blu is a keeper of realm knowledge in real life. You ask a question on Discord and odds are Blue will quickly manifest with the most colorful answer you could hope for. She is endlessly helpful, kind, and engaged! I am suggesting that somewhere down the road, a character based on her - a...
Feature Requests
Couple thoughts on mechanics
Possible to have the Mama boar’s resistance to taunt at like… 0? Missing gruff with the new PvP-induced cooldowns is frustrating at best Maybe make a set of ‘green quality’ gear between squire and blues that can be purchased with some sort of farmable material? Perhaps void shards?
Single Stat Focused PJ Land Tournaments (honor this)
DEVS: Please honor your original statement of intent to have eight PJ Land Tournaments based on single stat growth. The reason for this is that the initial statement of intent had people scouring the tavern for the best heroes with the best potential for single stat growth with the hope that they on...
List of DFK feature suggestions
Hey DFK community and team. I have made a long list of suggestions I think could be implemented in DFK, to improve the game. Most of the ideas are not that complex and could be implemented in the short and medium term. Some are my own suggestions, and some have been inspired from other DFK community...
Cooldown Changes Idea
Dynamic Summoning Cooldowns: Intent would be to design f to increase the cooldown period as population size increases to prevent oversaturation of Heroes, and to increase it further if summoning activity outpaces burning activity. Establish thresholds or caps to ensure that cooldown periods remain r...
PJ to Metis
I know Metis will not be an entirely new realm, but I think it still needs to be discovered. Thus I propose a perilous journey to the coliseum. Since there will not be a new power token rewards could be unique weapons only for survivors as well as entry into a survivor only tournament. Since there w...
take ERC-5169 and Token script to DFK
ERC-5169 is an Ethereum standard designed to add metadata and script support to tokens through smart contracts. In simple terms, it allows developers of tokens (such as ERC-20 or ERC-721) to associate specific scripts and metadata with each token or type of token via smart contracts. This means that...
A new land to Dymension
When DFK confider the next land statioin, I hope Dymension is in the backup list. I think cosmos people will like DFK.
General Ideas
Could Ronin Be the Next (and Final) Realm?
I know we’re about to launch on Metis, but please consider Ronin as the next realm. DFK would greatly benefit from the ‘Ronin effect.’ This chain has a large community of gamers, a growing ecosystem, and ample liquidity, with the potential for even more. If there are technical concerns, I hope the R...
Bring back excitement and engagement
We’re in need of some fresh, exciting activities in DFK. I’ve sought out mechanics that are engaging and feasible with our current game structure and designed to be balanced for the long-term. These ideas aim to enhance, not disrupt, our game’s economy by focusing on sustainable improvement. My idea...
Hero inflation and game aligment
Hey DFK team and community, I have pondered a bit about the future on DFK and believe I have found an area where I think the game needs a strategy change. Right now, I do not think the inflation hero numbers and the game design are in alignment. If we are to continue with the current hero inflation,...
Critical Issue for Avax "Get Started" outpost
Hello. Our project needs “fresh blood”, but how can it flow here? There is a critical issue for new players “Get started” from the main route - Avax! In the first step you propose “Swap tokens in our integrated Pangolin Dex”. They will do that and will get some Jewels (0x4f60a160D8C2DDdaAfe16FCC5756...
Remove harmony from bridge
Its been a year or so where a few folks including myself have accidentally bridged tokens into harmony due to the UI defaulting to harmony when switching to ETH. I figured it was time to put this into a talk site so we can get some upvotes and visibility on it. Ive lost $1.5k+ due to my own dumb mis...
Level 10 Quests - What, no Lore?
For starters, THANK YOU for the HBF/Giga patch, it’s a huge step forward! Now to the feedback: Placing the Level 10 quests in the profession area with the same NPCs seems like a very expedient choice… The quests provide a necessary outlet for our higher level heroes, but do nothing to enrich the atm...
I miss the way heroes used to look
Every time I look at my heroes now it makes me sad that I don’t have the option to also look at them how they used to appear. I understand they needed to evolve in appearance for combat, but in many cases I bought or held onto heroes for their visual appearances before. Now for some reason that is a...
General Feedback
What is “leaderboards”?
Answered, left for reference
Saw this really cool mention of leaderboards on the permissionless booth. What’s that about?
Are there plans to release any more advanced equipment from hunts or raffle drops before tournaments is live? Earlier folks who were around for mythic amulet drops have a leg up on new comers trying to do pvp. Thanks.
Transparent Shield Option
Answered, left for reference
With all of the new gear and vizzies being introduced into DeFi Kingdoms it becomes challenging to take in all of the new art styles when a big ole shield covers a large majority of the heroes’ bodies. Would it be possible to allow a feature which would allow a hero that uses a shield to instead hav...
Answered, left for reference
What is inside the pacboc’s pack?
Brotherhood of Iron
Answered, left for reference
What is the significance of the Brotherhood of Iron? I note in the NPC dialogue that their name gets special treatment like other in game proper nouns, like the word Serendale in the Blonde Knight NPC dialogue. When BoI?
Shot clock enforcement
Answered, left for reference
Can we have an option to bypass the pop up window that opens up when attempting to enforce the shot clock for the first time?
Answered, left for reference
Was the coolest community member at permissionless?
AMA Questions
Old Posts for Community and Development Review
Kingdom Studios Official Announcements
Kingdom Studios Team Announcements With Feedback from community.
Wisdom Feedback Channel
Feedback for Wisdom Studio
Mechanics Questions
AMA Mechanics Questions
Other Board Ideas
Definitely need a jewel shaped rug. Non-slip of course.
Wen Bloater Pin?
Wen Bloater Pin?
I have commented on the merch in here, I know this is ‘slightly’ out of context, but I’m sure its your jurisdiction. how about a poker game, with all the dfk degens, with a small buy in, with top 10% (depending on size of player field) being awarded with Merch, and possibly items, heroes whatever. p...
Custom Funko Pop Heroes
I’m not the kind of person to ‘advertise’ with my clothing - hats, shirts etc. However, I would LOVVVEEEE++ nothing more than to have a funko pop of my favourite heroes (e.g. gen0, mythic / advanced class) sitting on my desk. I love my heroes, not bloaters. The modular set of class, hair and back ty...
Personalized DFK hero merch for owners
I would like to suggest adding a section on the merch store (when it’s available) that allows us to upload our NFTs to be printed onto merch that would be 1/1 to the owner. If this becomes a difficult task for the dev team since we’re not a clothing company, partnerships can be formed with businesse...
Weapon NFT - Custom Merch For Community -Bless
I have been making potential Weapon NFTS for the community for awhile. Here is a link to some of the designs. I am happy to give Kingdoms Studio my Weapon Files If the community requests these items on Merchandise. Still in Talks with Sunbear on implementing some of these items in the future, Thanks...
I survived
I survived the perilous journey with the PJ logo would be lit
Merch Feedback
A Message From Sashei
As many of you know, we decided to temporarily take down the Daily and Weekly Leaderboard on Serendale last Saturday, with the Monthly Leaderboard following at the end of this month. As mentioned in the announcement, the main reason in doing so was that it gradually favored quest automation over the...
Leaderboard 2.0 Feedback and Ideas
SECURITY - Is Bridging Safe? Let's find out......
Can the team give us some insight into the due diligence done on the security of the Klaytn chain bridge “Orbit” ? Given the damage done after the harmony incident I know many of us are very wary of putting our faith in new bridge providers. oUSDT, oWBTC and oETH are only as good as the security of ...
Gen 0 Raffle (50) - Newly Summoned Heroes
With the current summoning that ends November 15th and provides entries to the Gen 0 Raffle (50 Gen 0’s), will the Raffle be based on the newly summoned heroes in your wallet on Nov 15? Example, if you summon 50 new heroes but sell 25 prior to Nov 15, will you receive 25 entries and the remaining 25...
Remaining access to the Harmony-Jeweler after 5th of October?
On the 5th of October the GUI of Serendale 1.0 will go offline. After that day the people could change xJewel to Jewel via the Trader in Crystalvale. But what happens, when the liquidty is getting lower and lower. The last pool participants would eventually better change xJewel to Jewel via the Harm...
Future of Jewel on Klaytn
What happens to jewel now that DFK is moving to Klaytn? Will there be a new token on Klaytn or will SD 2.0 still use jewel as the power token?
Locked Jewel
How does the chain move impact Locked Jewel?
Is it Perilous to Journey to Klaytn?
How does switching chains, but still being Serendale, impact lore?
Roadmap of the Transition to Klayton
Please provide whatever details you can about the transition of Serendale to Klayton. For example: When will the move be happening? How long will the transition take? Will Serendale 1.0 be operational on Harmony during the transition?
Klaytn Serendale Move Questions
Is this vote binding or advisory?
Prior AMA’s indicated that any vote would be more of a ratification or “advisory” in nature (similar to say-on-pay advisory votes for publicly traded companies), in other words, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t pass by majority, because its advisory and isn’t binding on any action. However the tone a...
Minimize Centralized Price Adjustment
I hold multiple assets, tokens within DFK crystal/jewel and heroes… As a reference and point of general concern, Jewel lost value due to Harmony and several other factors. Some people moved to DFK-Chain and re-invested in Crystal due to the unknowns of Jewels Future. Hypothetically, launching Propos...
Technical Reasons for Klaytn
Hi, as a blockchain developer I really wonder why you decided for Klaytn. Especially since I always admired your decision making and fast execution concerning the tech aspects of DFK. The chain offers very little ressources: General Documentation is even worse as it has been with Harmony. The discor...
Locked Jewel: (1) Initial Liquidity on Klay (2) Unlocking into Locked/Unlocked KPT and Crystal and (3) Timing?
(1) Initial Liquidity on Klaytn? It was mentioned several times in the AMA but it’s not clear from the 1 pager - how do locked jewel play into initial liquidity on Klaytn? Will there be a batch of locked Jewel burned and converted into KPT/KLAY for the initial pairing? Locked Jewel holders share pro...
Future of xJEWEL?
What exactly are your plans for xJEWEL after the proposal passed through? Will it completely be removed from Serendale and Crystalvale? Will there be JEWEL automatically increasing value related to CRYSTAL and Klaytn Powertoken like it is now for xJEWEL to JEWEL? Or will it be xJEWEL at the Jeweler ...
inventory/tokens manual bridging will be a pain
Can the team please provide a better (automated?) way to bridge our potentially massive amount of inventory and token items? Not only clicking on each single item in the inventory to bridge one at a time going to be painful, but the cost to not only bridge these items, but also APPROVE the bridge fo...
With xCRYSTAL ceasing to exist, what will happen to the vested xCRYSTAL? The vesting period lasts until March 2023.
Migration Proposal Clarification Questions
Cultural and language barries
I am not familiar with the Klaytn Community. How do we endorse large adoption of DFK when we may have cultural and language barriers to overcome?
Is there a way to claim jewel i had in the serendale gardens or is it gone?
I had a decent amount staked in t he gardens prior to crystalvale and went to check on it recently only to find out that i cant access the gardens in serendale any longer. i was staked on the jewel harmony pair i believe
Klaytn Questions Per AMA
Per marketing for DFK. Can Klaytn give us some insight into what approach will be used with its users? Is DFK being touted as the flagship gameFi of the blockchain, also? How will marketing DFK differ to the rest of the Asian market? I believe a lot of us who have seen how ticket intensive our game...
Multiple Questions for David as the Head of Global Group (previously Head of Global Adoption)
Bolon - please ask whichever of these you think best suited for the AMA with David. As always, thanks for moderating! David - thanks for taking the time to join the AMA. Looking at your background, you have a wealth of experience in the industry (Hong Kong Bitcoin foundation back in 2014… love to se...
What values can KPT add to DFK and why KPT wants to be part of DFK?
Transactions and Bandwidth
DFK chain has recently been celebrating their daily transactions (upwards of 4 million as of this writing) as hitting all time highs, if Serendale 2.0 on Klaytn network has that same amount of transactions is that something the network can handle? What would gas fees look like? and how fast would tr...
You can build it, but will they come?
With the partnership in place how does David suggest we help the Klaytn community embrace DFK?
Klaytn AMA Questions
Current DFK Ideas
-Have a sign up via Google Forms -Low entry requirements such as a small amount of Duels XP and a small Crystal entry fee -All entry fees will be used for giveaways and rewards, at least some as part of the tournament, potentially some for other community giveaways, but all will be given back -Enter...
Official DFKDuels Tournaments
Guild Tokens
Would it be feasible to allow guilds to mint guild tokens to be incorporated into the broader economy? Earning/ Token Generation Guild leader would be given a pre-mint quantity of tokes upon founding, to be paired into LP with a set amount of Jewel and staked into a contract allowing the guild to re...
Various Guild Aspects Ideas
As fan and big player of mmorpgs, Guilds has been always the best social experience as well as support resource. I’ve seen it in any sauce and applying those experiences to DFK would looks and feel very fun and cool to me… so let me explain myself: Guild Wars This could be approached in many ways. M...
Guild members can marry two of their heroes. Doing so will prevent these heroes from summoning with other heroes, but they would be able to summon more times and/or their child would have increased chances of having higher rarity/mutating.
Guild/Land Faction System
I suggest a faction type system for lands owned by a guild. (I suspect possibly some lands might be un-owned -ie: for sale, lost wallet, other. Or the land owner may just not be part of a guild) In the event the land was owned by a guild, it would effect how a hero would pass thru the land. -Member ...
Banner the Guild Clans together / World events
Hello Friends, My thinking of this post is to resemble how medieval kingdoms would work under a King; Lords that had different traits, materials, animal husbandry skills, elite fighters that would benefit in their own way to greater cause of the kingdom at whole. To see some world event that require...
Guild summoning?
2 guild members could choose to provide 1 hero each for summoning a third “shared” hero. Said hero would belong to both (or belong to the guild) and its rewards would be shared amongst its “parents” and the guild it was summoned in.
Land and Buildings that can be used to craft items
It would be really cool if a guild could save up and purchase a plot of land together. Members could pitch in funds, in-game resources, and “stake” heroes for a period of time to create buildings on the land. Each building could require different resources and offer a new aspect to the game. An armo...
Guild Ideation
Question regarding prior games or game dev experience
I see lots of people ask this question. I’ve shared my thoughts on why it does or doesn’t matter - but I think it would be helpful to talk about it and share Wisdom’s thoughts on it so that we just have a uniform response to it when people ask about it going forward. The question is: What experience...
I am most interested in pve, not pvp, like octopath traveler. I even dig that pixel 2d 3d world art. This would be a strategy based not really skill based type of pve. Are we building a pve mode like this already or in the future? If so what year do we plan to have something like this?
Different modes of PvP
In the interview w/ ADFK, you mentioned different modes of PvP. Can you elaborate? Will PvP always be 3vs3 or will some of the modes be more or less heroes, similar to Duels as an example. Will PvE have the same hero dynamic as far as this is concerned?
Toxic Genetic Trait Clarification
Does the advanced genetic trait toxic have a chance to poison the opponent every hit or hit automatically every time? Just want this clarified, I heard a grazy (grady + crazy) rumor that the poison hit is automatic every hit.
Thoughts on Elo
In basically every game that has match making calculations to pair you with “like skilled” opponents Elo Rating seems to reign supreme. Is the team considering making tweaks to Elo Rating for matchmaking? Will Elo Rating be reset every season? Will a “shadow elo” follow your account from season to s...
Hero Mana and Health Regeneration
Is there health/mana regeneration during combat? If not, can we assume that hero mana is a limited resource and can be replenished ONLY by mana potions? Similar to mana, can we assume that hero’s health can be replenished ONLY with potions and/or healing/lifesteal skills? What happens after the batt...
Beta Testing
Will you be holding a (short) closed beta for gathering last minute balancing data and testing server load?
Wisdom Labs AMA Questions
Discussion about #5
Just adding a note that my current preference is #5, but I’m not gonna vote. My reasons are: It becomes a self-serve mechanism for people to agree to terms and immediately be able to begin developing on the chain, lowering the barrier and increasing decentralization. It provides a recourse to deal w...
That would be great support user growth!
What will be the requirements?
Can't vote for some reason, but I like #5
I am just starting to learn solidity, and realised how easy it was to deploy contracts to EVM chains. And was getting excited about the things I could do, and make, on DFK chain. Both for trading, but also for the use of DFK NFTs. … then I remembered the whitelist and deflated. It is nice that this ...
Thoughts around gaming and governance.
I’m no expert but find these topics very interesting. Let’s take a second and think about what DFKchain is. Its purpose is to handle transactions for The Defi Kingdoms game. With a major focus on scalability and speed. Anybody I’ve spoken to about this game, cares mainly about speed and cost of tran...
The blockchain should exist strictly to facilitate txns within the game
Ignore everything else. It doesn’t need to be open. This is all stuff that can be decided on after theres a game.
Opening DFKChain RFC Feedback
Knight Mighty Strike Bug?
Is there a bug where if a knight does multiple (I think like 2 or 3) mighty strikes, then attempts a basic attack, the basic attack has a decreased accuracy? This has happened to me so frequently, that I am questioning if it is coincidence. I can almost call when it will happen.
PVP Toughs
Aggregation of Zantetsuken community thoughs
Quick First Impression Feedback
would love to see the idle animations for the heroes in combat be less aggressive in movements Archer animation for example is really going death metal with the bow, Knight also seems very “bouncy” with sword, Priest looks okay but breathing seems faster even for just standing in combat -Subtle for ...
still too laggy
With the login system, everything has run smoother but combat is still too laggy to enjoy the game, the page stops sometime, npc frooze
Freezes prior to completing first round
I have not been able to get past the first round. I usually get through two hero actions and then freezes on my 3rd hero action (knight). Sometimes it freezes on the 2nd hero. If I do a hard reset it will start at the beginning of my last hero action but again freezes when I take action. I have not ...
General Feedback 3/23/23
I have never been more excited for the game. I am absolutely loving the Dark Dungeon like combat and even more excited for PvE as well. My favorite part is that the combat flows are not transaction based and flow like a game. Pros: UI is pretty awesome Combat/Skills - Very well thought out skills, t...
Problems with first impression.
Sorry for my English first of all. 1- User scale interfer with the processing. Im using a 4k scale on my monitor/tv of 76’'. And its unplayable, you need to reduce the window size, this reduces the processing need, and speed up the animations. Should set the animation sprites in vector mode or optim...
Combat Testing
Proposal for Limited Gen0 Mint for Promotional and Marketing Wallet
Currently, there is not a way for the project to generate promotional Heroes or related content to be given away to the community without the use of personal wallets and assets. Therefore, we are proposing the creation of a wallet under the control of DeFi Kingdoms, for the sole purpose of creating ...
Marketing and Promotional Wallet Idea