Migration Proposal Clarification Questions
Provide any desired clarification on https://dfk-hv.b-cdn.net/files/Serendale-2.0-Overview.pdf
Is this vote binding or advisory?
Prior AMA’s indicated that any vote would be more of a ratification or “advisory” in nature (similar to say-on-pay advisory votes for publicly traded companies), in other words, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t pass by majority, because its advisory and isn’t binding on any action. However the tone a...
Minimize Centralized Price Adjustment
I hold multiple assets, tokens within DFK crystal/jewel and heroes… As a reference and point of general concern, Jewel lost value due to Harmony and several other factors. Some people moved to DFK-Chain and re-invested in Crystal due to the unknowns of Jewels Future. Hypothetically, launching Propos...
Technical Reasons for Klaytn
Hi, as a blockchain developer I really wonder why you decided for Klaytn. Especially since I always admired your decision making and fast execution concerning the tech aspects of DFK. The chain offers very little ressources: General Documentation is even worse as it has been with Harmony. The discor...
Locked Jewel: (1) Initial Liquidity on Klay (2) Unlocking into Locked/Unlocked KPT and Crystal and (3) Timing?
(1) Initial Liquidity on Klaytn? It was mentioned several times in the AMA but it’s not clear from the 1 pager - how do locked jewel play into initial liquidity on Klaytn? Will there be a batch of locked Jewel burned and converted into KPT/KLAY for the initial pairing? Locked Jewel holders share pro...
Future of xJEWEL?
What exactly are your plans for xJEWEL after the proposal passed through? Will it completely be removed from Serendale and Crystalvale? Will there be JEWEL automatically increasing value related to CRYSTAL and Klaytn Powertoken like it is now for xJEWEL to JEWEL? Or will it be xJEWEL at the Jeweler ...
inventory/tokens manual bridging will be a pain
Can the team please provide a better (automated?) way to bridge our potentially massive amount of inventory and token items? Not only clicking on each single item in the inventory to bridge one at a time going to be painful, but the cost to not only bridge these items, but also APPROVE the bridge fo...
With xCRYSTAL ceasing to exist, what will happen to the vested xCRYSTAL? The vesting period lasts until March 2023.
Should we keep playing on serendale?
It was mentioned that no more jewel will be put in supply. does that mean the gardens will stop working now and we should take all of liquidity out of the gardens
Plans for timing of unlocking
Will locked Crystal and locked KPT follow the unlocking schedule that the locked Jewel was expected to unlock? Or will it start unlocking in a about year from now (or a about a year from whenever Klaytn launches), unlocking over the course of another year after that?
5% Liquid Jewel from Current Locked Balance
Curious how this 5% will be distributed. Linearly over the coming year, like the ‘liquid’ 20m KPT tokens distributed? Any clarity would be appreciated!
Unclaimed LP rewards in Serendale
What will happen to the rewards that are unclaimed? Will 100% of the rewards be unlocked before migration or will all of it be counted as locked JEWEL for the snapshot?
The vote and the outcome and move to from harmony blockchain to Katlyn.
is the vote ending tuesday deciding that we will move to katlyn or not or has it been decided we are moving and is the vote for something else? When the vote is done whatever the outcome how long do we have to move our assets our of serendale before they get deleted? I just want to know if it is li...
Unlocking Schedule
Many of us have to depend it upon the liquidity that Jewel provides in Serendale. We need an expedited unlocking schedule with the new power token rather than waiting a whole nother year again.