AMA Questions
Post Questions for AMA's here!
He's Such a 'Good Boy!'
After the achievement system goes live, can we have a one-time use low-tier quest to feed Good Boy a pet treat in the Serendale gardens to unlock a low to no reward achievement? (He’s such a Good Boy after all!)
Are Chests Tradeable?
Are the chests you win from tournaments tradeable before opening, or are there any plans for this in the future?
Traits and Classes Balance Controversy
Has been a while since Patrols dropped and with that, some really heavy balance changes have been hitting the community. Simultaneously, we’ve seen a big decrease in the high end players competing in the game, with community hosted tournaments such as JCL and MAGIC going cold due to players refusing...
Ronin 0
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Has Ronin been considered as the next realm expansion once time permits?
Why prioritize wonkish stat-maxing features like Divine Essense and Pet Combat Bonuses over core game features like active Hero Codices?0
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Codices refresh metas for existing players and show a complete game to outsiders. It’s been 3 years and 6/22 heroes are playable and currently worth summoning. Stop fucking around with these extraneous features before activating codices.
Next combat codex class0
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If the team already knows the next class to be implemented into the combat system, why not just tell the community so we can prepare instead of keeping it a secret??
Jewel reputation0
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What are the plans to help shore up jewel utility/ reputation? The price action is abysmal and it’s obvious there is zero demand to buy / hold the token.
Any concerns about game complexity?0
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Is the team at all concerned about the complexity of the game? Specifically, once every hero is released and at level 100 that would be 60 skills per hero. What are the plans to ensure balancing doesn’t become overwhelming for the small dev team?
Releases in 20250
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Can we get a list of what we can expect to be released in 2025? Like x number of class codexes, which specific features, etc? Would really help clear up the goal for 2025 and help to give some much needed hype.
Armor & Weapons Restrictions1
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(no description)
Classes that use ATTACK and SPELL0
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The new Living Blade equipment got me thinking. It seems to have an OK attack range and a higher SPELL range than other melee weapons, and a large chuck of the attack multiplier is based on INT. Can you give any insight as to how future classes like DarkKnight/DreadKnight might take advantage of thi...
This is why less players are playjng PVP lv201
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As we all know the holidays are long over and there aren’t many matches being played at higher levels . A group of active players were having a conversation and the consensus is that being the “creator” of the open bout already puts you at an unfair advantage which makes people not want to create a ...
Jewel utility 0
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Are there any plans for additional JEWEL utility?
2025 vision 0
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Would love to hear from Frisky and Dreamer on their vision for 2025 - what their 2025 goals are for DFK and why the future is bright for 2025.
Void hunt0
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Can the community expect a new void hunt released in 2025?
JEWEL isn't looking so shiny.0
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Has KS discussed internally about picking up spot JEWEL at these prices for the treasury?
Wen player onboarding push?0
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When does the team plan to conduct marketing and player onboarding push? The ecosystem desperately needs more players/activity.
Realistic feature release0
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Can we get a no bs realistic timeframe (x months, years?) when the team anticipates releasing the following features? Crafting Land utility Yellow and gold pets Travel Hero tree finished Thank you!
How are potions returned after a PvP bout?0
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After a PvP bout ends, the potions you did not use are returned, but we don’t initiate a transaction at the end of a bout, so how does this happen?
Onboarding plan0
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Can the team speak to the onboarding plan, and when they plan to ramp up promotion of DFK? Promotion has still been very lackluster and the lack of users in the ecosystem is making the PvP feature very frustrating as it is almost impossible to play a match unless there is schedule coordination ahead...