Vote Proposals
Ideas for Governance Votes. Not a place for Builder Proposals
Garden LP Reallocation
With JEWEL as the flagship token of DFK, it would make sense to have that token in all of the LPs in each realm. I would be for something of the following: CRYSTALVALE 85% JEWEL/CRYSTAL 5% JEWEL/AVAX 2.5% JEWEL/USDC 2.5% JEWEL/BTC 2.5% JEWEL/ETH 2.5% JEWEL/KAIA SERENDALE 85% JEWEL/JADE 5% JEWEL/KAIA...
Remove Mini Raffles / Increase TQ crystal drop rate by 50%
Partially Governable
Proposal: Completely remove Mini Raffles. Retain Small / Med / Large raffles Increase TQ crystal drop rate by 50% to not moon price of crystals Why? In short, we are not getting enough value for our HEROS and our QUESTS. This change will also diminish the negative affect on the game coming from BOTS...
No easy way to give feedback to the team => create in-game temperature check/voting system
Personally I fiend it hard to gauge whether or not the community is in favour of a certain thing/feature or not. Consequently, it is hard to give concrete feedback to the team as some exceptional good ideas (some are also really bad) are discussed in discord and most of the times that is the end. In...
Summoning Cooldown Vote
Option A. Increase Gen0 cooldown maximum to 14 days, reset Gen0 summons to 19 if currently exceeded, change base cooldown formula of Gen1+ to (24 + 8 * generation) * (summonCount + 1) hours, and have this cooldown applied upon initial generation of Hero (a freshly summoned gen5 Hero wouldn’t be abl...
Rafflemaster Revamp Vote
Please find the proposed changes here;
Summoning Cooldown Change: GEN0 Same / Increase All Other GEN
Introduction: It is obvious that something needs to be done about hero inflation and hero cooldowns but I don’t think that the core problem is with GEN0 summoning times or GEN0 cost. Also, from the beginning GEN0 owners invested early in the game and continue to support the game by owning these asse...
Change Summoning Cooldown to Slow Hero Inflation V2
• As stated by certain team members previously there is a concern about the growth of the hero population, at present nearly 800k •Many community members share the same view, that this is unsustainable, causing high gas fees, large sell pressure on in-game items, and disincentives new players from j...
Art Direction Feedback (RPG, anime and pixel art fans target)
I love DFK and I wanna give some suggestions inherent to graphic art and artistic direction. I really care of this emotional perception because it is inherent to my approach as a player, investor and to my actual fiat job. RPG/PIXEL ART & CARTOONS. POINT 1 Anime in the Crystalvale PJ Spot / port...
New Kingdom to Binance Chain for capital Injection from CZ
I know that it has been mentioned/hinted that Polygon would possibly be the next kingdom roll out but I think that at this time, there should be a strong consideration for Binance Smart Chain as it might be a better strategic play, especially with everything that’s been going on with Harmony and the...
Hero Deflationary Measures.
Not Governable
Main - New Concept Hero Sacrificing: DARK SACRIFICING For Posterity as tab. Enter tab, burn heroes for loot blessing or sacrifice reward. The concept is hero deflation instead of the current hero inflation… Currently; nothing is killing off a steady virtual growing population of hero nfts. Concept; ...
Hero Burning
simply add a "Dark Sacrificing tab next to Dark summoning and toss in as many heroes as Kingdom Studios allows to receive this “treasure chest of goods/cache of items/otherworldly plunder” as your reward. Make it a sacrifice the player is dieing to make.
Control Hero Population Growth - via Power Up.
I have read several proposals about this, and I find them interesting. However, I don’t think the increase in heroes is the real problem. Let’s face it, the real problem -that’s usually not mentioned- is the decrease in prices. If “Alex” - dunno any Alex it’s just an example name - makes 1000 heroes...
WMATIC-Jewel Pool
This will allow more liquidity for WMATIC, and will tie JEWEL into the Polygon sphere. This will help stabilize the price of JEWEL towards one of the largest gaming blockchains.
With the way the market has been going, I’m not sure how much runway DFK realistically has. And it’s looking like Klaytn is going the same way as Harmony by not willing to approve/provide more capital. So I think it’s time to honestly forget about these other chains and to just move to Base Chain (c...
KILLER BOT / ZOMBIE DUNGEON - My Ultimate Idea to control Hero Population
Hello friends, some days ago I proposed here a system based on power ups to control hero population growth. I wanna thank all the mates who gave me a feedback. THE PREMISE I am completely convinced that the problem is not how many heroes we have, but how many heroes we put in the tavern: this is wha...
Expanding DFK Ecosystem to Movement
I think it would be a good idea for an expansion to Movement M1. There are many positive reasons for this. One is that they are a another subnet, which means they enable trustless crosschain swaps to Crystalvale using Teleporter. Another pro is that it will also provide access to the larger Movement...
Control Hero Population Growth via Change of Summoning Mechanics
• As stated by certain team members there is a concern about the growth of the hero population, • It was also stated by the team that burn mechanics are not a possibility in the near term due to a number of reasons. • Therefore, the best way to achieve slower hero population growth is via changing e...
Stamina requirement for summons
Message from the Arch Druids: “When the portals were first opened, they bursted with long-restrained energy. Crystals were infused almost without effort. Now, Gaia’s life force comes through the portal in a constant stream, but we find that summoning new heroes takes a physical toll on the heroes pe...
"the burning pit" - burn unwanted heroes for materials
Hey DFK team and community. I shared my thoughts about hero inflation and hero burning options a couple of weeks ago in this thread. - I have since read and participated in most of the discussion regarding the subject and have change...
A Fair & Equitable Hero Inflation Limiting Proposal
As a Gen0 owner, I was opposed to the previous proposal of limiting summoning as it didn’t offer anything in exchange for giving up the benefit. I would be willing to vote YES to another proposal that makes mutations deterministic in exchange for a longer cooldown period. I suggest extending the coo...